Transformational Coaching

Unlock the best version of yourself with Dr. Shana Johnston as your guide. Harnessing insights from a 25+ year career in medicine, blended with over 25 years on her own personal growth journey, Dr. Johnston offers a unique blend of medical knowledge and self-awareness. A life long curiosity around health and healing has led Dr. Johnston to explore a wide variety of ‘out of the box’ healing modalities while simultaneously working as a family physician. Through over two decades of “walking both worlds”, she’s able to bring a fresh perspective on health and healing.


“Shana has helped me to realize that my inner wise woman has been with me all along this crazy journey of my life. She has given me the courage to explore my own truths and discover how they can support me in discovering my full potential as a woman, a mother, and a physician.”
– Ginevra Mills, MD


Key Features: 
    1. Accessing our Inner Wisdom: Benefit from personalized coaching sessions designed to help you tap into your own inner wisdom. You have all the answers you need within you.  The challenge is learning how to listen. Dr. Johnston will journey with you as you deepen your connection with yourself and the essence of who you are, guiding you to allow your own answers to emerge.
    2. Medical Insight, Life Wisdom: With a background in medicine, Dr. Johnston brings a wealth of knowledge about health, stress management and resilience. Although she will not be providing any diagnoses, prescribing medication or ordering any tests, she can offer unique insights into health and healing based on her western medical knowledge combined with an “outside the box” view on health and healing
    3. Goal Setting and Accountability: Set meaningful goals and develop a roadmap to achieve them. Whether you’re seeking clarity on a career transition, personal growth or work-life balance, Dr. Johnston will help you set a course to stay on track and celebrate your victories
    4. Mindfulness and Embodiment: Building on the tools she used in navigating her own journey of recovery from burnout and a rough menopausal transition, she brings the wisdom from her own embodied experience as a roadmap to help others navigate similar challenges
    5. Confidential and Non-Medical Environment: Rest assured that your coaching journey with Dr. Johnston takes place in a confidential, non-medical setting. While Dr. Johnston is able to draw on insights from her medical background, she does not provide medical services during the coaching sessions. Instead, she’ll help you find your own answers, guiding you to tap into your own inner wisdom

Take the first step towards the life YOU want to live. It’s time to come home to yourself, reconnect with your essence and live your life in alignment with who you really are.

I’m interested! How do I sign up? 

Dr Johnston offers a variety of coaching options to meet your needs. Whether you’re looking for a single session to get some insight on an issue you’re dealing with or wanting someone to journey with you through a major life change, Dr. Johnston is here for you. Coaching sessions can also be combined with one or more of Dr Johnston’s self paced, online courses to help you deepen your connection to yourself and your inner wisdom. 

Coaching sessions are 60min long and held over Zoom at a mutually convenient time. After purchase, Dr. Johnston will be in touch by email to schedule your session(s). 

Please be aware that due to legislation regarding virtual care for physicians, Dr. Johnston’s coaching practice is limited to residents of British Columbia.

  1. Coaching session – 60min long and held over Zoom – $265 
  2. Course plus Coaching Bundle – combine independent learning through Dr Johnston’s self paced online courses with THREE 60min coaching sessions to enhance your integration of this material into your life 
    1. Inner Wisdom – Lifetime access to Dr. Johnston’s original course “Reclaiming Our Power, Reclaiming Ourselves” plus THREE 60min coaching sessions – $799
    2. Menopause – Lifetime access to Dr. Johnston’s menopause course “Coming Home to Ourselves at Midlife” plus THREE 60min coaching sessions – $799
    3. Deep Dive – Lifetime access to BOTH of Dr. Johnston’s self paced online courses plus THREE 60min coaching sessions – $829


    Coaching Option

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Are you a resident of British Columbia?

    How do we know each other / How did you find me?

    What are some of the challenges you're facing and/or dreams you're pursuing for which you'd like my help?

    Do you have any questions or concerns about the coaching process?

    Anything else you'd like to share to help me get to know you?
