Connecting in Community for Women

Connecting in Community
What is Connecting in Community for Women? 

We are designed to connect with each other. In the past, women would gather together in community, by the stream to do the washing or in the forest picking berries. While undertaking the daily tasks of life, we could share with each other. Give and receive support. Learn from each other. We would have the ability to connect, share wisdom and support each other.

Our modern busy lives have made connecting in community challenging. The pandemic made it even harder as we tried to navigate our lives while being more isolated than ever. On a deep level we, as women, know we weren’t meant to function like this. 

Connecting in Community was designed to bring women* together in community. To share stories, give and receive support and reconnect with our own inner wisdom. By gathering in virtual circle, we are recreating this community of support and where we can learn and grow together as we face the many challenges life brings us.

*the term “woman” is used to mean any person who identifies as a woman 

What topics are covered? 

Together we will explore some of the tools I used on my own healing journey. Each week I will give a  short talk on one of the following topics which we will then explore further as a group. 

  • Creating our community of support and caring for ourselves 
  • Mindfulness, meditation and sacred space
  • Embodiment and emotions – understanding our nervous system 
  • Intuition and accessing the wisdom of our inner wise one 
  • Boundaries and conscious choices 
  • Self compassion
  • Integration – putting it all together and setting intentions for the future 
How does it work? 
  • We gather together on Zoom for 90 minutes once a week for 7 weeks 
  • We open the circle by lighting a candle and doing a short grounding meditation
  • Each woman has an opportunity to check in about how she’s doing and what she’s learning
  • I give a short talk on the week’s topic 
  • We do some journaling on the week’s theme 
  • If time permits, there will be small group discussion in pairs or groups of 3 
  • We then have a discussion of the week’s topic as a larger group
  • We close the circle and there is an invitation to consider that week’s theme as you move through your week 
I’m interested but I’m worried I don’t have time 

Life is busy and making time for ourselves can be really hard. The course is designed for women like you. Who barely have time to answer emails and find themselves lost in the multiple roles and huge lists of tasks to accomplish. This course is a gift to yourself, where you carve out 90 minutes per week for 7 weeks to do something for you. 

If a scheduled 90 minutes session is not possible, Shana offers a self-paced version of her program called “Reclaiming Our Power, Reclaiming Ourselves”  which covers the same tools in a weekly video series. Learn more about this course here.

Do I need a referral? 

You know yourself better than anyone else and this program allows you to sign up without having to go see your doctor to get a referral. You can simply add your name below to the list of patients interested in participating. When registration opens, you will be notified by email. There are a limited number of spots available in each group so if there’s a particular group you want to participate in, I encourage you to register as soon as possible after receiving notification to secure your spot. Once you have registered for one of the groups, you will be asked to complete an intake form (with your MSP number and pertinent medical information) to complete the registration process. 

What is the cost of this program? 

There is no charge for this program for residents of British Columbia with MSP (CareCard) coverage.